Module: enums


(static, readonly) aead :Integer

  • Integer
Name Type Description
eax Integer
ocb Integer
experimentalGCM Integer

(static, readonly) armor :Integer

Armor type

  • Integer
Name Type Description
multipartSection Integer
multipartLast Integer
signed Integer
message Integer
publicKey Integer
privateKey Integer
signature Integer

(static, readonly) compression :Integer

  • Integer
Name Type Description
uncompressed Integer
zip Integer


zlib Integer


bzip2 Integer

(static, readonly) curve :String

Maps curve names under various standards to one

  • String
Name Type Description
p256 String

NIST P-256 Curve

"P-256" String
secp256r1 String
prime256v1 String
"1.2.840.10045.3.1.7" String
2a8648ce3d030107 String
2A8648CE3D030107 String
p384 String

NIST P-384 Curve

"P-384" String
secp384r1 String
"" String
2b81040022 String
2B81040022 String
p521 String

NIST P-521 Curve

"P-521" String
secp521r1 String
"" String
2b81040023 String
2B81040023 String
secp256k1 String

SECG SECP256k1 Curve

"" String
2b8104000a String
2B8104000A String
ed25519Legacy String

Ed25519 - deprecated by crypto-refresh (replaced by standaone Ed25519 algo)

ED25519 String
ed25519 String
Ed25519 String
"" String
2b06010401da470f01 String
2B06010401DA470F01 String
curve25519Legacy String

Curve25519 - deprecated by crypto-refresh (replaced by standaone X25519 algo)

X25519 String
cv25519 String
curve25519 String
Curve25519 String
"" String
2b060104019755010501 String
2B060104019755010501 String
brainpoolP256r1 String

BrainpoolP256r1 Curve

"" String
2b2403030208010107 String
2B2403030208010107 String
brainpoolP384r1 String

BrainpoolP384r1 Curve

"" String
2b240303020801010b String
2B240303020801010B String
brainpoolP512r1 String

BrainpoolP512r1 Curve

"" String
2b240303020801010d String
2B240303020801010D String

(static, readonly) features :Integer

  • Integer
Name Type Description
modificationDetection Integer

0x01 - Modification Detection (packets 18 and 19)

aead Integer

0x02 - AEAD Encrypted Data Packet (packet 20) and version 5 Symmetric-Key Encrypted Session Key Packets (packet 3)

v5Keys Integer

0x04 - Version 5 Public-Key Packet format and corresponding new fingerprint format


(static, readonly) hash :Integer

  • Integer
Name Type Description
md5 Integer
sha1 Integer
ripemd Integer
sha256 Integer
sha384 Integer
sha512 Integer
sha224 Integer

(static, readonly) keyFlags :Integer

Key flags

  • Integer
Name Type Description
certifyKeys Integer

0x01 - This key may be used to certify other keys.

signData Integer

0x02 - This key may be used to sign data.

encryptCommunication Integer

0x04 - This key may be used to encrypt communications.

encryptStorage Integer

0x08 - This key may be used to encrypt storage.

splitPrivateKey Integer

0x10 - The private component of this key may have been split by a secret-sharing mechanism.

authentication Integer

0x20 - This key may be used for authentication.

sharedPrivateKey Integer

0x80 - The private component of this key may be in the possession of more than one person.


(static, readonly) literal :Integer

Data types in the literal packet

  • Integer
Name Type Description
binary Integer

Binary data 'b'

text Integer

Text data 't'

utf8 Integer

Utf8 data 'u'

mime Integer

MIME message body part 'm'


(static, readonly) packet :Integer

A list of packet types and numeric tags associated with them.

  • Integer
Name Type Description
publicKeyEncryptedSessionKey Integer
signature Integer
symEncryptedSessionKey Integer
onePassSignature Integer
secretKey Integer
publicKey Integer
secretSubkey Integer
compressedData Integer
symmetricallyEncryptedData Integer
marker Integer
literalData Integer
trust Integer
userID Integer
publicSubkey Integer
userAttribute Integer
symEncryptedIntegrityProtectedData Integer
modificationDetectionCode Integer
aeadEncryptedData Integer

(static, readonly) publicKey :Integer

  • Integer
Name Type Description
rsaEncryptSign Integer

RSA (Encrypt or Sign) [HAC]

rsaEncrypt Integer

RSA (Encrypt only) [HAC]

rsaSign Integer

RSA (Sign only) [HAC]

elgamal Integer

Elgamal (Encrypt only) [ELGAMAL] [HAC]

dsa Integer

DSA (Sign only) [FIPS186] [HAC]

ecdh Integer

ECDH (Encrypt only) [RFC6637]

ecdsa Integer

ECDSA (Sign only) [RFC6637]

eddsaLegacy Integer

EdDSA (Sign only) - deprecated by crypto-refresh (replaced by ed25519 identifier below) [Draft RFC]

ed25519Legacy Integer
eddsa Integer
aedh Integer

Reserved for AEDH

aedsa Integer

Reserved for AEDSA

x25519 Integer

X25519 (Encrypt only)

x448 Integer

X448 (Encrypt only)

ed25519 Integer

Ed25519 (Sign only)

ed448 Integer

Ed448 (Sign only)


(static, readonly) reasonForRevocation :Integer

  • Integer
Name Type Description
noReason Integer

No reason specified (key revocations or cert revocations)

keySuperseded Integer

Key is superseded (key revocations)

keyCompromised Integer

Key material has been compromised (key revocations)

keyRetired Integer

Key is retired and no longer used (key revocations)

userIDInvalid Integer

User ID information is no longer valid (cert revocations)


(static, readonly) s2k :Integer

A string to key specifier type

  • Integer
Name Type Description
simple Integer
salted Integer
iterated Integer
gnu Integer

(static, readonly) signature :Integer

One pass signature packet type

  • Integer
Name Type Description
binary Integer

0x00: Signature of a binary document.

text Integer

0x01: Signature of a canonical text document.

Canonicalyzing the document by converting line endings.

standalone Integer

0x02: Standalone signature.

This signature is a signature of only its own subpacket contents. It is calculated identically to a signature over a zero-lengh binary document. Note that it doesn't make sense to have a V3 standalone signature.

certGeneric Integer

0x10: Generic certification of a User ID and Public-Key packet.

The issuer of this certification does not make any particular assertion as to how well the certifier has checked that the owner of the key is in fact the person described by the User ID.

certPersona Integer

0x11: Persona certification of a User ID and Public-Key packet.

The issuer of this certification has not done any verification of the claim that the owner of this key is the User ID specified.

certCasual Integer

0x12: Casual certification of a User ID and Public-Key packet.

The issuer of this certification has done some casual verification of the claim of identity.

certPositive Integer

0x13: Positive certification of a User ID and Public-Key packet.

The issuer of this certification has done substantial verification of the claim of identity.

Most OpenPGP implementations make their "key signatures" as 0x10 certifications. Some implementations can issue 0x11-0x13 certifications, but few differentiate between the types.

certRevocation Integer

0x30: Certification revocation signature

This signature revokes an earlier User ID certification signature (signature class 0x10 through 0x13) or direct-key signature (0x1F). It should be issued by the same key that issued the revoked signature or an authorized revocation key. The signature is computed over the same data as the certificate that it revokes, and should have a later creation date than that certificate.

subkeyBinding Integer

0x18: Subkey Binding Signature

This signature is a statement by the top-level signing key that indicates that it owns the subkey. This signature is calculated directly on the primary key and subkey, and not on any User ID or other packets. A signature that binds a signing subkey MUST have an Embedded Signature subpacket in this binding signature that contains a 0x19 signature made by the signing subkey on the primary key and subkey.

keyBinding Integer

0x19: Primary Key Binding Signature

This signature is a statement by a signing subkey, indicating that it is owned by the primary key and subkey. This signature is calculated the same way as a 0x18 signature: directly on the primary key and subkey, and not on any User ID or other packets.

When a signature is made over a key, the hash data starts with the octet 0x99, followed by a two-octet length of the key, and then body of the key packet. (Note that this is an old-style packet header for a key packet with two-octet length.) A subkey binding signature (type 0x18) or primary key binding signature (type 0x19) then hashes the subkey using the same format as the main key (also using 0x99 as the first octet).

key Integer

0x1F: Signature directly on a key

This signature is calculated directly on a key. It binds the information in the Signature subpackets to the key, and is appropriate to be used for subpackets that provide information about the key, such as the Revocation Key subpacket. It is also appropriate for statements that non-self certifiers want to make about the key itself, rather than the binding between a key and a name.

keyRevocation Integer

0x20: Key revocation signature

The signature is calculated directly on the key being revoked. A revoked key is not to be used. Only revocation signatures by the key being revoked, or by an authorized revocation key, should be considered valid revocation signatures.a

subkeyRevocation Integer

0x28: Subkey revocation signature

The signature is calculated directly on the subkey being revoked. A revoked subkey is not to be used. Only revocation signatures by the top-level signature key that is bound to this subkey, or by an authorized revocation key, should be considered valid revocation signatures.

Key revocation signatures (types 0x20 and 0x28) hash only the key being revoked.

timestamp Integer

0x40: Timestamp signature. This signature is only meaningful for the timestamp contained in it.

thirdParty Integer

0x50: Third-Party Confirmation signature.

This signature is a signature over some other OpenPGP Signature packet(s). It is analogous to a notary seal on the signed data. A third-party signature SHOULD include Signature Target subpacket(s) to give easy identification. Note that we really do mean SHOULD. There are plausible uses for this (such as a blind party that only sees the signature, not the key or source document) that cannot include a target subpacket.


(static, readonly) signatureSubpacket :Integer

Signature subpacket type

  • Integer
Name Type Description
signatureCreationTime Integer
signatureExpirationTime Integer
exportableCertification Integer
trustSignature Integer
regularExpression Integer
revocable Integer
keyExpirationTime Integer
placeholderBackwardsCompatibility Integer
preferredSymmetricAlgorithms Integer
revocationKey Integer
issuer Integer
notationData Integer
preferredHashAlgorithms Integer
preferredCompressionAlgorithms Integer
keyServerPreferences Integer
preferredKeyServer Integer
primaryUserID Integer
policyURI Integer
keyFlags Integer
signersUserID Integer
reasonForRevocation Integer
features Integer
signatureTarget Integer
embeddedSignature Integer
issuerFingerprint Integer
preferredAEADAlgorithms Integer

(static, readonly) symmetric :Integer

  • Integer
Name Type Description
plaintext Integer
idea Integer

Not implemented!

tripledes Integer
cast5 Integer
blowfish Integer
aes128 Integer
aes192 Integer
aes256 Integer
twofish Integer

(static) webHash :String

A list of hash names as accepted by webCrypto functions. Parameters, algo

  • String
Name Type Description
"SHA-1" String
"SHA-256" String
"SHA-384" String
"SHA-512" String


(static) read(type, e) → {String}

Converts enum integer value to the corresponding string, if it exists.

Name Type Description
type Object

target enum type

e Integer

value to convert


if the value is invalid


name of enum value if it exists


(static) write(type, e) → {Integer}

Asserts validity of given value and converts from string/integer to integer.

Name Type Description
type Object

target enum type

e String | Integer

value to check and/or convert


if the value is invalid


enum value if it exists
